I started painting at around 10 years old with a variety of Games Workshop figures and games like Hero Quest, Space Crusade and Space Hulk.

Over the years I have attained a huge collection of painted miniatures. I stopped for a while, until the Lord of the Rings movies came out and I collected probably enough figures to field my own Helms Deep numbers. I also collected Warhammer 40K and had lots of vehicles, etc. swelling my loft.

In late 2015, I heard about Kickstarter and looked into getting a board game or two, selling off all of my collections to fund games and a 3D printer.

My first 3D printer is the Trinus (in the picture above, one of the axis was on wrong which I had to sort out, so to say I’ve had a big learning curve is an understatement!). I now have 5 printers, including a resin and I’ve created hundreds of prints.

So getting back to the painting, I bought a game called Ninja All Stars, painted it and then someone asked me to paint their copy.

After that I started to buy and paint my games and people would ask me to paint theirs, I started to get a following and was nicknamed ‘The Machine’ for painting full kickstarters in a week or two. At one point I painted 2 or 3 copies of a game at once!

I was contacted by a company to paint their game for Gencon, which had to get from the UK to the US in a week. I painted the whole game in 11 hours.

While this was all going on I started to play about with 3D printing and learnt through lots of trial and error printing toys, inserts, dashboards and more. I also started to design my own bits and pieces with a lot of Harry Potter miniatures adventure game items. My designs can be found on Cults3D.

In May 2020, I took a Blender course to hone my skills, before progressing on to Zbrush. Pictures and videos of my sculpting work can be found in the Sculpting section.

If you would like something painted, printed or sculpted, please contact me with your requirements.